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Plan for life's possibilities with us.

As you go through life's stages - your first job, your new family or preparing for retirement - you can count on our financial professionals to be there for you, your family or business.




The key to our partnership with you is getting to know you, your needs, your goals and your values.  This allows us to breakdown your financial plan into a manageable road map starting with the items most important to you.



At our core, we are asset managers and we've built tactical strategies that strive to adapt to changing markets.  We measure where money is flowing and attempt to invest in the stronger segments of the market and seek to avoid the weakest areas.  We want to be on offense in the strong up markets, but have the flexibility to get defensive when the risk hits the fan.  




It’s crucial to protect what you’ve built—for yourself, and also for those depending on you. A major concern for our clients is outliving their savings by being exposed to skyrocketing long-term care costs or losing income from the unexpected death of a spouse. We explore strategies that can help protect your life savings during crises such as these.



"Control" is the key-word when it comes to estate planning. Who are the people you want to get all of your belongings when you die? What do you want each person to get? When do you want them to get it?  Bottom line: You can control “someday” by planning today. 


get a 2nd opinion!

When is the last time you've had another set of eyes on your investment portfolio? Call us, we'd be happy to give you a complimentary review!

Contact Us


401(K) & 403(b) MANAGEMENT

Did you know that many employees can add professional money management to their employer-sponsored retirement plan?

Active management can take your retirement plan from a static or neglected investment to a dynamic asset being managed at the core of your portfolio. 

237 Millsap, Suite 1

Fayetteville, AR 72703


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708 N Santa Fe Ave, Suite  110C

Edmond, OK 73003

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Pensionmark Financial Group, LLC is an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Securities offered through St. Bernard Financial Services, Inc. (Member FINRA/SIPC).  St. Bernard Financial Services, Inc. is not an affiliated entity of Pensionmark Financial Group, LLC.

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